Summer Break Looms: Friend or Foe?

Navigating the Summer Holidays: Challenges for Menopausal Women Looking After Children Ah, the school bell. That once-familiar clang that used to jolt you awake with the promise of a new day now echoes faintly in your ears – and not necessarily with excitement. Life, it seems, has become a juggling act with a thousand and one balls in the air. …

Finding Your Ground: Root Chakra and Menopause

Menopause. A single word that can conjure up a whole spectrum of emotions – relief, liberation, anxiety, and even a touch of grief. It’s a natural transition, a rite of passage for women, yet one that can leave us feeling unmoored, especially when physical symptoms like hot flushes and fatigue disrupt our sense of stability.In this blog, Phoenix Wellness explores …

Taking Charge: Women, Finances, and the Menopause

For many women in the UK, finances are a constant juggle. We navigate the gender pay gap, childcare costs, and the ever-present mental load of household finances. But what about the impact of menopause? While not an illness, this natural transition can throw a curveball at our financial security. The Financial Impact of Menopause Studies show a real link between …

Can Embracing Feminine Archetypes Help Navigate Menopause?

As those of us who have already transitioned through menopause will know, menopause is a significant milestone in our life, marking the transition into the next chapter of our life and a time of growing wisdom and self-discovery. Yet, it can all too often be accompanied by challenges that affect both our physical and our emotional well-being. However, by understanding …

How can we use our Energy Chakras to support a better Menopause experience?

The menopausal journey is often depicted as a tumultuous time marked by physical changes and hormonal imbalances. However, beneath the surface lies a profound spiritual journey waiting to be explored. Central to this journey are the energy chakras, each playing a vital role in our emotional and spiritual well-being. Let’s take a brief look at these energy centres and discover …

How can we retain more staff through menopause?

Welcome to our Phoenix for Employers Blog by Phoenix Wellness Coaching. I am a regular blogger and have a YouTube channel that supports women experiencing menopause, but I recognise we need a different approach to help employers, and to this end, I launched my employers’ blog. In this monthly blog I will provide you with some practical ways in which …