Welcome to The Awakening – Self-Discovery

The Awakening is the latest self-learning package designed by Phoenix Wellness Coaching. It is all about taking you on a self-discovery journey to help you to connect with yourself, to understand what makes you tick and what you need to do to look after yourself.
We know that as a woman in the 21st Century you are constantly on the go; you are juggling multiple roles and identities from mother, to wife/partner, to business woman, to carer and often that means that in the midst of this maelstrom you may have lost touch with who you truly are underneath. You’ve lost the connection to your core self and struggle to find that woman amongst everything you are doing, you have no time just to be or to grow and learn because it is as much as you can do just to manage everything around you. This can have a devastating impact on your sense of self-worth and self-confidence; now is the time to take back something for you, to learn to love yourself again, to learn to care for yourself again and most importantly to manage those self-limiting beliefs that stop you from achieving all that you desire.

What is the aim of the Awakening – Self-Discovery?
By working through the Awakening you will build a deeper understanding of who you are and what you need to make you tick; you will develop greater self-awareness, greater self-compassion and empathy for you which will enable you to bring new awareness to your relationships, breathing life back into what may have become lost. You will learn how to honour yourself, show up as the awesome, wonderful woman you are more of the time; and when you have wobbles, learn how to dig into your resilient self and find what you need to pick yourself back up again.

The Awakening is all about strengthening and boosting your inner-self, finding the woman you are and want to be and giving her new life to fly. Through this self-learning package you will be able to explore and learn what you need to do to boost your resilience and find your way back to you. This is an exciting time for women, and the Awakening gives you the tools you need to honour and celebrate your feminine.

How does the Awakening – Self-Discovery work?

The Awakening is a self-learning package, encompassing three video workshops and accompanying personal workbooks to help you to reflect on what you have heard. The workbooks include exercises that we talk through in the workshops and journal prompts to encourage you to reflect on your practice. Blending my story with current thinking and mindfulness this is the whole package.

We know that women are individuals.

We know that we like to learn in different ways.

We know that we like to learn at different times and at different paces.

This is why the Awakening has three distinct offers to suit all styles and of course, taking account of the time that you have available and how deep you want to take your learning. Plus the Awakening includes an exclusive and unique meditation especially designed to accompany this programme.
For those of you who may want to go deeper or better embed what you have learnt into your everyday life, you can additionally add 1:1 coaching into the pack. You can decide whether you want to simply work through the pack and take the Self-Discovery option, or add one coaching session in the Self-Integration option or go even further by adding four coaching sessions in the Self-Embodiment option.
The options and choices are designed to give you what you need, when you need it. You are free to choose how you want to take this journey. The Awakening is an Evergreen programme which means that it has no start or finish date; it is always available to you once you have purchased the package. You get to decide when you start, when in you finish and how many times you take this journey. There are no dates to sign up by or any time that you have to set aside in your diary, other than the goals you set for yourself.

How do I get involved?
Here is the great thing about the Awakening – Self-Discovery; you can choose from three options depending on your time, your budget and how deep you want to take your journey. Of course for the maximum benefit I would recommend that you purchase the Self-Embodiment level, but I know that as women we want choice and control over our learning journey so I am giving you the control to purchase the self-learning package that best suits your needs and development goals. Here are the options and how you can build your shopping basket.

OptionWhat’s InvolvedCostBenefits
Self-DiscoveryAccess to three video workshops – Self-care isn’t Selfish; Self-love is Survival; Breaking Self-limiting Beliefs.
Access to the Awakening Workbooks.
7-days of support with me via WhatsApp.
£111You get to choose how and when you work through the packs and in which order works best for you.
Self-IntegrationAccess to three video workshops – Self-care isn’t Selfish; Self-love is Survival; Breaking Self-limiting Beliefs.
Access to the Awakening Workbooks.
7-days of support with me via WhatsApp.
1 x 90 minute 1:1 coaching session.
£333You get to choose how and when you work through the packs and in which order works best for you.
Access to a 1:1 coaching session to help you to explore what you have learnt and integrate these teachings into your everyday life.
OptionWhat’s InvolvedCostBenefit
Self-EmbodimentAccess to three video workshops – Self-care isn’t Selfish; Self-love is Survival; Breaking Self-limiting Beliefs.
Access to the Awakening Workbooks.
Continuous support with me via WhatsApp.
4 x 90 minute 1:1 coaching sessions.
£777You get to choose how and when you work through the packs and in which order works best for you.
Access to 4 x 1:1 coaching sessions to help you to explore what you have learnt, integrate these teachings into your everyday life, and begin to embody the transformation you want to see. Explore how this impacts your life more broadly.

How do I register for The Awakening – Self-Discovery?
You can register and start the Awakening at any time that works for you; given that this is an Evergreen programme it means there is no start or end date and it will always be available. As soon as you have paid in full or the first payment of an instalment plan if that is how you wish to make your purchase, (email for more information on how this works), the workbooks and YouTube links will be shared with you. You are then ready to get going.
If you choose to purchase either the Self-Integration or Self-Embodiment packages, then I will send you a link via www.calendly.com to set up your coaching session(s). These will not begin until after payment has been received in full or the first payment of an instalment plan has been made. You will also be asked to sign a Coaching Agreement which is standard best practice.

To register please email jeanette@phoenixwellness.co.uk confirming which option you wish to purchase and you will be provided with how to pay and all links to the packs.
Instalment plans over 2 or 3 months are available upon request.
Payment should be in full or in line with your instalment plan if agreed, via bank transfer prior to any links being shared with you.