The Phoenix Rising Mastermind

A 12-week signature programme starting Wednesday 3rd May 2023

The Phoenix Rising Mastermind is aimed at women who are experiencing perimenopause, or may think they are, or those who are experiencing full menopause. Over the course of this signature 12-week programme, I will share with you the facts about menopause; through my own personal stories and experiences I will show you how you can thrive through menopause and into the second half of your life; I will give you hints and tips on how to spot the symptoms of menopause and how to better manage those symptoms and limit their potential negative impact on how you live your life.
This programme is different to any other courses that Phoenix Wellness Coaching has offered before, as it combines knowledge packed, insightful masterclasses with action learning coaching sessions. As we work through the 12-week programme, you will be connected with other like-minded women who, like you are experiencing menopause or simply want to learn more about themselves and thrive through menopause.
This programme is very much about you taking control of your menopause and your life. Whilst I will bring six 90 minute masterclasses to the group, you as the client remain in control and will be able to bring any burning issues to the group that you all want to explore. The Phoenix Rising Mastermind is highly flexible and designed to meet the needs and goals of the ladies in the group so should you wish to collectively explore a different area of menopause, I will look to add an extra class to cover that subject. This is about you as members of the Mastermind, exploring what you need to with my guidance.

As a thank you for participating in the Phoenix Rising Mastermind, or any other course offered by us, you will be automatically enrolled into our Phoenix Wellbeing Café for FREE. This is a monthly subscription covering all aspects of wellbeing to help you to thrive at any stage of your life.

How is a Mastermind different?

If you haven’t experienced being part of a mastermind group before, this will be an expansive experience for you.
As part of a mastermind group, you will have the opportunity to both give and receive advice/support with the other ladies in the group. You will also have the opportunity to brainstorm and discuss personal issues in a confidential and supportive environment, as well as benefit from knowledge building masterclasses.
You will be able to achieve your goals quicker by being part of a mastermind as you are able to pull on the experience and support of all of the members in the group, and not just from me as your coach.

The Phoenix Rising Mastermind

will be interactive, informative and practical. You will be working with a group of women in the same or similar situation to you – you can support one another through your stories, in confidence, and can feel comfortable that you will be heard.

What happens after I sign up?

On registering, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire so that I can gain a better understanding of where you are in your menopausal journey and more importantly, what transformation you wish to see. At the end of the 12-weeks, you will be asked to complete a further short questionnaire so that we can both understand the transformation you have achieved and whether there is more you wish to work on. All the information you provide will be held confidentially and will not be shared with anyone.
In order to safe guard your wellbeing, you will also be asked to complete a mental health questionnaire. As a coach, it is my responsibility to safe guard your mental wellbeing and if you are experiencing severe anxiety, depression or other mental ill health, I will be able to assess whether the Phoenix Rising Mastermind is the right programme for you, or whether you would benefit from more specialist support which I will help you to secure. All information you provide throughout the programme will be handled with sensitivity and your confidentiality will be preserved at all times.

Programme Schedule

As I said this programme is very different in how it is structured and delivered but you will definitely achieve the goal and the transformation you are seeking. Every lady on the programme will be seeking a different transformation but with my and your help, I know you will all achieve what you desire.

The Phoenix Rising Mastermind masterclasses will all be based around the theme of THRIVE:

Transforming and Transitioning to Your Future – Focus on knowledge building
Honouring Yourself – Focus on self-care and lifestyle changes
Releasing your Fears – Focus on myth busting and knowledge building
Inspiring your Future – Focus on the importance of purpose and meaning
Visualising your Future – Focus on positive behaviours and habit forming
Energising your Future – Focus on action planning and commitments

How does the Phoenix Rising Mastermind work?

Throughout the masterclasses there will be ample opportunity for you to work with the other ladies on the programme, through small group discussion and break out rooms.
After each masterclass there will be homework to enable you to embed your learning which will include exercises and journal prompts. Each participant will receive a specially branded journal in which to record their notes as they progress through the programme.

Each week will alternate between one x 90-minute masterclass and one x 90-minute action learning group coaching session. In the group coaching, we will reflect on what you learnt in the masterclass and how you have used it. There will also be the opportunity for you to bring your own problems, issues, or concerns to the group. This is the most powerful part of the mastermind experience. If your issue is chosen to be explored by the group and help is given, you will be expected to take the required action and report back to the group at the next action learning coaching session. If time and conversation permits, we will aim to tackle two issues per session to enable ample time for everyone to participate.

You will be invited to join a private WhatsApp group where you can share your progress, ask questions or share other information you have found useful.

You will also be invited to book a 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with me, either during the programme or after the programme has ended, which will enable you to dig a little deeper into any area you wish. This will help you to map out your goals and achieve your transformation and will give you a taste of how 1:1 coaching feels should you decide you want to move forward into that support after completion of The Phoenix Rising Mastermind.

All sessions will be held over Zoom (link will be provided) at 19.45, lasting 90 minutes. You are expected to attend all sessions live to benefit from the full experience of working with other ladies facing similar challenges to yourself. The Action Learning Group Coaching session will be the most powerful when you all participate.
Please see the timetable above so that you can plan your diary in plenty of time before the programme begins.

Investing in You

I know that investing in ourselves can be difficult – we are all busy women with many other commitments on our time, plus we often struggle spending money on our own development – but when we invest in our own growth then our family benefits too.
The 12-week Phoenix Rising Mastermind programme costs £450, and there are several different ways in which you can invest to best meet your budget.

  • If you can commit to the programme and pay the full cost by Friday 21st April, then you can benefit from a 20% VIP Discount.

If you can commit to the programme but would prefer to pay in instalments, then we can do that too. This would mean committing to the programme and paying a £150 deposit (non-refundable if you decide at a later date that the programme isn’t for you) by Friday 21st April, with two following payments of £150 on the 26th May and 23rd June.

Payment can be made through PayPal (please no credit cards, and ensure you tick Friends or Family) or via bank transfer on agreement. Please email for more information.

Once you have committed to the programme you will be sent an invoice from Phoenix Wellness Coaching providing all bank details to enable you to pay by bank transfer.

Your confidentiality

As we will be discussing issues of a personal and sensitive nature and encouraging you to share your experiences openly with the group, your confidentiality is of the upmost importance to me. I will take the following steps to safe guard your privacy:

  • Any personal data you share with Phoenix Wellness Coaching will be bound by our Privacy Statement which can be found at
  • Upon registering for the Phoenix Rising Mastermind you will be admitted to a private Facebook group that will only be for participants of the programme. The group will not be visible to other users of Facebook so any personal stories cannot be accessed by people outside of the programme.
  • Upon registering for the Phoenix Rising Mastermind you will be admitted to a WhatsApp group that will only be for participants of the programme.
  • The WhatsApp group which will be available to you throughout the programme but will be deleted 4 weeks after completion of the programme.
  • During the course of the sessions, and particularly in the 1:1 coaching sessions, I may take notes of our conversation. These will be used simply as an aide memoir to assist the facilitation of the conversation and will be kept confidentially and will not be shared with anyone outside the client and facilitator.

What our Clients say about the Phoenix Rising Mastermind

If you are a midlife lady, looking for support through menopause, then you have come to the right place. This is what we do exclusively here at Phoenix Wellness Coaching.

The Phoenix Rising Mastermind is our signature programme, where over the course of 6 weeks, we will take you on a journey that will grow your knowledge of menopause and learn some very practical tips on how to navigate and thrive through this stage of your life. The programme really does work, but don’t take my word for it, read below what some of our clients have said about their experiences on the programme.

If you want to find out more about what the fabulous results the ladies achieved, then take a look at our Customer Journeys here. You can read a short review of their achievements as well as watch a video interview with them so that you can see the excitement and pride they have in their achievements. This programme really does work and gets some truly amazing results and I cannot wait to take you on this journey and watch you thrive through menopause.

Next steps

If you are interested in learning more about the Phoenix Rising Mastermind and exploring whether this will be the right programme for you, please arrange a connect call with me. To book a connect call please email or alternatively click the button below.

Alternatively, if you feel the Phoenix Rising Mastermind is the programme for you please click the button below to register now.