Finding Your Ground: Root Chakra and Menopause

Menopause. A single word that can conjure up a whole spectrum of emotions – relief, liberation, anxiety, and even a touch of grief. It’s a natural transition, a rite of passage for women, yet one that can leave us feeling unmoored, especially when physical symptoms like hot flushes and fatigue disrupt our sense of stability.
In this blog, Phoenix Wellness explores how understanding the root chakra, also known as the Muladhara in Sanskrit, can offer a powerful tool for navigating menopause. By nurturing this vital energy centre, you can cultivate a sense of inner strength and grounded ness throughout this transition.

The Root Chakra: Our Foundation Stone

Imagine the root chakra as the foundation stone of your energetic being. Located at the base of your spine, it represents the very core of your existence – your sense of security, safety, and connection to the earth. When balanced, the root chakra provides a sense of grounded ness, allowing you to feel supported, empowered, and confident. It’s the anchor that keeps you tethered during life’s inevitable storms.

The Shifting Sands of Menopause

During menopause, our bodies undergo a significant hormonal shift. This shift can often disrupt our sense of stability, mirroring the root chakra’s core function. Symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, and even a questioning of our identity can all stem from a feeling of being unmoored. We may experience a loss of confidence, a questioning of our place in the world, and a disconnect from the vibrant, secure person we once felt ourselves to be.

Rebuilding Your Foundation: Nurturing the Root Chakra

Here at Phoenix Wellness, we believe a holistic approach is key to navigating menopause. By nurturing your root chakra, you can cultivate a sense of inner strength and stability throughout this transition. Here are a few ways to get started on rebuilding your energetic foundation:

  • Connect with the Earth: Ground yourself literally. Spend time barefoot in nature, feeling the cool earth beneath your feet. Try gardening, walking in the woods, or simply sitting on a park bench, allowing the energy of the earth to seep into your being.
  • Nourish Your Body: What we put into our bodies has a profound impact on how we feel. Eat grounding foods like root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beetroot) and whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats) that provide sustained energy and promote feelings of security. Prioritise getting enough sleep and regular exercise. A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices contribute significantly to a strong root chakra.
  • Affirmations and Meditation: The power of positive thinking should never be underestimated. Repeating positive affirmations like “I am safe,” “I am strong,” or “I am worthy” can help reprogram negative thoughts and anxieties that may be swirling around during menopause. Meditation practices can also promote feelings of calmness and inner peace. Find a quiet space, take some deep breaths, and focus on bringing your awareness to the present moment.
  • Yoga and Breathwork: Certain yoga postures, particularly those that root you to the ground (tadasana – mountain pose, adho mukha svanasana – downward-facing dog), can be incredibly beneficial. These postures help to strengthen the core muscles and connect you to the earth’s energy. Focusing on deep, rhythmic breathing throughout the day can also bring a sense of calm and centredness. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can cultivate a sense of inner strength and stability.

Remember, You Are Not Alone

By nurturing your root chakra, you can create a strong foundation for navigating menopause. Remember, this is a natural transition, and you are not alone in this journey. Here at Phoenix Wellness, we offer a supportive community and a range of treatments to guide you through this life stage.e person we once felt ourselves to be.

Seasons of Wisdom –Exploring the Transformative Energy of the Root Chakra

Unlock the power within you with the next instalment of the Seasons of Wisdom course, delving into the transformative energy of the root chakra. Dive deep into understanding this foundational energy centre, which governs our sense of stability and security. Learn about its influence on the organs it governs, such as the adrenal glands and the base of the spine, and discover the profound effects of blocked energy, which can manifest as feelings of fear, anxiety, and ourselves to be.

Specifically addressing the impact of menopause on this vital chakra, delve into how hormonal shifts can disrupt our sense of grounding and stability. Understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented during this transition and uncover holistic practices to navigate through with grace and resilience.

Gain practical insights and transformative tools to overcome obstacles, cultivate inner strength, and embody a profound sense of stability and security in your life.

Join us on Wednesday, 19th June, 19.30-21.00 on Zoom, as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, unlocking the power within the root chakra to cultivate a life of balance, vitality, and empowerment.
To register and secure your place please email
More Information
To learn more about Seasons of Wisdom go to
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Let us help you find your strength and embrace a vibrant menopause, creating a foundation for a future filled with confidence, purpose, and joy.
Phoenix Wellness – Supporting Women on Their Wellness Journey