How Can Balancing the Solar Plexus Help Ease Menopause Symptoms?

As women navigate menopause, we often experience not just physical changes, but energetic ones as well. One key energy centre that plays a vital role during this period is the solar plexus chakra. Located just above your belly button, the solar plexus is linked to our sense of personal power, confidence, and emotional resilience. As menopause brings significant shifts in our bodies and lives, it’s not uncommon for blockages to arise in this chakra, impacting our emotional and physical well-being.

The Solar Plexus at Menopause

During menopause, we experience fluctuating hormones, which can influence our energy flow. The solar plexus is deeply connected to our self-esteem, our sense of purpose, and our emotional balance—all of which are often challenged as we go through menopause which can trigger emotional highs and lows, from anxiety to self-doubt, creating imbalances or blockages in this chakra.

These blockages are often the result of us feeling powerless or overwhelmed by the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause, like hot flushes, mood swings, and fatigue. We may also feel a loss of control as we are ageing, experiencing societal pressure around beauty, youth, vitality, and productivity, which can further weaken our solar plexus energy.

How do we know if our Solar Plexus is blocked?

A blocked solar plexus can be seen in several ways, both emotionally and physically. Common symptoms include:

  • Low self-esteem: Feeling disconnected from our inner strength or doubting our ability to handle the changes of menopause.
  • Anxiety or irritability: Emotional instability and a tendency to react strongly, or out of character, to stressors.
  • Fatigue or lack of motivation: A sense of lethargy, difficulty tapping into our inner drive, lack of motivation or loss of our “get up and go”.
  • Digestive issues: Since the solar plexus governs digestion, blockages can lead to stomach discomfort, indigestion, or bloating.
  • Difficulty making decisions: Indecisiveness or fear of change can arise as we struggle with feelings of uncertainty.

I know as I went through perimenopause I certainly struggled with a number of these issues – low self-esteem, anxiety, lack of motivation, indecision and digestive issues! If I’d known then the impact of menopause on my solar plexus energy, I may have been able to alleviate these a lot earlier and felt much more like myself sooner!

What can we do to rebalance our solar plexus?

Restoring balance to our solar plexus is key to regaining our sense of empowerment and emotional stability. Here are some suggestions you may want to try to clear blockages and boost your energy flow:

  • Meditation and Breathwork: Meditation focused on the solar plexus can help release blocked energy. Visualizing a bright, glowing yellow light in the area above our belly button can stimulate and activate this chakra. Deep breathing exercises, especially those involving diaphragmatic breathing, can also help to clear blockages and enhance our energy flow.
  • Affirmations for Empowerment: Positive affirmations can help reprogramme our mind and restore confidence. Try repeating affirmations like “I am strong, capable, and in control of my life” or “I trust myself to navigate this transition with grace and wisdom.” Speaking these words aloud daily helps to reinforce a positive self-image, empowering us to overcome the challenges of menopause.
  • Core Strengthening Exercises: Physical movement that activates our core muscles, such as yoga or Pilates, can stimulate energy flow in the solar plexus. Poses like Boat Pose or twists can engage this area and help release tension, encouraging a more balanced and vibrant energy.
  • Crystals and Essential Oils: Crystals like Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, and Yellow Jasper are often associated with the solar plexus chakra. Carrying these stones or meditating with them can support chakra healing. Additionally, essential oils like Lemon, Ginger, or Rosemary can energise and balance our solar plexus when used in diffusers or applied topically. If applying topically it’s important to ensure you use good quality pure oils that are graded for use on your skin and remember to dilute them by adding to a carrier or massage oil.
  • Personal Boundaries: The solar plexus is closely tied to our self-respect and boundaries. Reflect on areas of life where we may feel overextended or emotionally drained. Setting clear personal boundaries can enhance our sense of control and confidence, which helps unblock this chakra.

The Power of Transformation

Menopause is a time of immense transformation, and while it presents challenges, it also offers so many opportunities, not least to chance to reconnect with our inner power. By understanding the role of the solar plexus and addressing any blockages, we can tap into a deep well of strength and confidence to navigate this life stage with grace.

The solar plexus chakra is our gateway to emotional resilience, empowerment, and self-esteem. Clearing blockages not only alleviates menopausal symptoms, but also fosters a renewed sense of purpose and vitality – all important at this time in our lives when we can feel more uncertain about who we are and where we’re going. Through greater self-care, embracing mindfulness, and intentional healing, we can unlock the power of our solar plexus and embrace menopause as a time of personal growth and empowerment.

Courses that Can Help

Here at Pheonix Wellness we want to help you to embrace the positive opportunities of menopause and unlock your creativity and spirituality, moving you closer to the future you desire and deserve. We have several ways to help you to do this and I am sure that one will work for you.

Restoring Balance to your Solar Plexus Chakra for a Better Menopause Journey – This is the next instalment in our Seasons of Wisdom programme where we look at alternative ways to bring positivity into our menopause journey. In this online event we delve into the significance of the Solar Plexus Chakra during menopause, explore ways to restore balance to this energy centre, promoting a smoother transition through this phase of life. Discover techniques and practices to support your well-being and enhance your journey through menopause, empower yourself and find inner harmony! For information about the entire Seasons of Wisdom programme and how to get involved email

Navigating Your Menopause – Starting Wednesday, 23rd October, this 6-week programme will give you the opportunity to learn all about menopause through weekly masterclasses with other women experiencing menopause. The format for the programme will be interactive but relaxed and supportive – we’ll provide you with the facts about menopause, give you the tools to master your menopause in a safe and supportive atmosphere.

To learn more and book your place go to

More Information

For more information on how we can help with all aspects of menopause go to or email me direct at